
Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 Since I am in the high school, I think about me future and where would study, also how would it be.  When I decided what career study, in the moment to makes the preferences of universities, I see the study program and my mark in the ''PTU'', I decided in the ''Universidad de Chile'' whit this actual study program, I spent hours looking the courses of the entire faculty, in this look, the course of ''Fisicoquimica'' has the worst pass rate of all courses in the all study programs (Food Engineering, Chemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, and Biochemistry). Now, I am taking that course and I understand the reason about the pass rate is low.  But in the process, in the second semester, the course of ''Calculo Diferencia e Integral'', makes in me many problems and difficulties, with my first ''Rojo'' in the tests, even so, I can pass this course :D Also, the two first semester, the online class is so bad, with man...

VIDEO 2: A job you would like to do in the future


Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

 For me the time travel are is like Sci-Fi history, in specialy the trips to the past I like series and movies such as "Back to the Future" "Stein;Gate" "The girl who leapt through time" "Erased"  In my imagination, going to the past is possible, creating multiples time machines and how this works, also about thinking in the temporal paradox that would be created (the typical Grandfather paradox).  But in the real life, I know that this is impossible (For the physics). I like the channel of ''QuantumFracture'' a Spanish physicist that spreads scientific content where it talks about the time travel. Video of time travel But in the case of traveling of to future, is technically possible. I like how the speed of light explains how it is possible to go in the future, but not return to the passd, The speed of light is a constant so this constantdoesn´t vary dependening on the viewer, if a person run at 99% of light speed the sp...

Post 3: My dream job

 Since I was a little kid, I have really liked trains, I had many toys trains, movies and series (suche as  "Tomas y sus amigos" and toy trains which run on battery) This like for the trains, until now, I like them more than before, every day on my way from university-home, I see the trains and see the cabins of these. (The trains "Acero Santiago-2003" or "AS-03" is my favorite ) I would like to see and get on a "Metrotren"  For this reason, my dream job would to become a train engineer, Tobe able to get on "Metro de Santiago" or on the "Metrotren", the only fact of driving a train is a dream for me, I want to drive these trains. In my investigation of this job, I found the basic info of how to be a train driver, in the "Metro de Santiago" unit to have a degree (any kind of degree, either, professional or technical), in the other metro, I don`t have any idea how drive this  But in this moment, I am study Chemistry an...



Post 2: The Best Concert ever

 I will never forget the day when Soutaiseiriron come to Chile on the 9 April 2020,the same day of my birthday, it was the perfect present for me. I love this day. This band is from Japan, created in 2006 their genres is  j-pop, rock and twee pop, the name of the band means Theory of relativity, abridge STSR. The vocalist Etsuko Yakushimaru is the leader of the band, I like her voice a lot , it is so sweet. Also, I met Etsuko, at the backstage, and she gave me an autograph (I put her autografh in a frame)  In overview, this concert is in my opinion the best concert ever. I am massive fan, even more, if STSR had 1000 fans, I  would be one of them, if STSR had 100 fans, I would be one of them, if STSR 1 fan, I am the fan and if STSR no have fans, its because I would not in this world. I like the album TOWN AGE and the song Detective Tatsumi is my favorite.

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

 I would like to go to Japan, specifically "Kyoto" because I like anime and I like the house animation "Kyoto animation" or "KyoAni" ,with animes as "the melancholy of Suzumiya", "K-ON!", "Violet Evangarden", I really like these animes.          But in 2019 this house suffered an arson attack where the progress of many animes upcoming burnt in fires also workers died in this attack. (this was very sad)  I like to see trains, that is why I like see the trains in Japan, the famous bullet trains ( Shinkansen ) and the urban trains as the one in Kyoto city. Also, I like the beautiful temples of the religions in Japan. I woulo Only go as a tourist I don't like Japan for living, the culture in Japan is very strange to me and the Japanese is very hard to learn, the "Kanjis" is complex  to understand.(the english is hard to me :c)  I prefer countries as EEUU and countries of Europe to live in. (for this I need to learn E...