Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 Since I am in the high school, I think about me future and where would study, also how would it be. 

When I decided what career study, in the moment to makes the preferences of universities, I see the study program and my mark in the ''PTU'', I decided in the ''Universidad de Chile'' whit this actual study program, I spent hours looking the courses of the entire faculty, in this look, the course of ''Fisicoquimica'' has the worst pass rate of all courses in the all study programs (Food Engineering, Chemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, and Biochemistry). Now, I am taking that course and I understand the reason about the pass rate is low. 

But in the process, in the second semester, the course of ''Calculo Diferencia e Integral'', makes in me many problems and difficulties, with my first ''Rojo'' in the tests, even so, I can pass this course :D

Also, the two first semester, the online class is so bad, with many problems to learn in this 

The teachers that have me classes, the most is good teachers but in the specific of "Departamento de química orgánica y Fisicoquímica" have teachers that are not the best, and with so far, the most complicated courses of all faculty: c

 This faculty is no soy big but have many green areas, with good places to relax, for me, the labs look a bit old, but good overall, the classrooms is so small for all students of the faculty, I wish this would changes in a future. 


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